NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64

Feature Stories from the Star Eagle pages.

Wind, rain wreak havoc around area




The NRHEG area has experienced a lot of storm activity the past several days. Above is a partially-flooded New Richland City Park, in the middle is a very flooded Legion Field and at the bottom is Riverview Golf Course Wednesday afternoon. Rain and high winds have caused much damage to crops and structures throughout the area. Between Saturday and Tuesday, six inches of rain fell in Waseca County, according to the Southern Research and Outreach Center, making it the third wettest June in recorded history — so far. More rain is in the forecast. (Star Eagle photos by Jim Lutgens)

NRHEG Secondary 

3rd Quarter Honor Roll


Grade 12: Adam Anderson, Emily Christensen, Hailie Clausen, Dalton Dahl, Haley Deml, Kellen Ferber, Carson Field, Kendra Grothem, Presley Johnson, Noah Krell, Hannah Light, Hannah Lundberg, Jadyn Nelson-Spies, Paige Overgaard, Ryan Patraw, Laura Ranniger, Douglas Rudau, Morgan Staloch, Carlie Wagner

Grade 11: Nicholas Bartness, Jamie Beckstrand, Brady Beenken, Jana Elin Brand, Alyssa Esplan, Karina Gaona Quezada, Ryann Hagen, Jade Hill, Julia Kanngiesser, Logan Knutson, Dillon Kubiatowicz, Jake Langlie, Melissa Malakowsky, Keith Maxon, Jade Peterson, Andrew Shutrop, Anna Stork, Aurora Strom, Kelson Titus, Spencer Tollefson, Trevor Tracy, Jet Wayne


SIX MORE WEEKS — The Ellendale groundhog, otherwise known as Mayor Roger Swearingen, emerges from his cozy igloo to see his shadow — and a beverage — during the Ellendale Muncipal Liquor Store’s first Groundhog Day event Sunday, Feb 2. (Submitted photo)

The Ellendale Municipal Liquor Store & Grill held its first Groundhog Day Event on Sunday, February 2nd. Mayor Roger Swearingon, aka the groundhog, slipped from his cozy igloo only to see his shadow, ensuring six more weeks of winter.

The most famous furry weather forecaster, Punxsutawney Phil, emerged from Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, PA, Sunday morning, saw his shadow and predicted a longer winter as well.

The Ellendale Municipal Liquor Store is located at 217 Fifth Avenue W, Ellendale, MN and offers a wide range of sandwiches, snacks and more. Stop in to get the Mayor’s next prediction.

At 94, Myrtle Peterson enjoys life at Ellendale’s Whispering Oak


HAPPY TO PITCH IN — After suffering a broken hip, Myrtle Peterson may not get around as well as she used to, but she greatly enjoys her busy schedule at Whispering Oak. (Star Eagle photo by Kathy Paulsen)


Staff Writer

There often comes a time when for some reason or another as a senior citizen, you have to leave the home you have lived in for oh-so-many years, and move to a care facility. In 2012, Myrtle Peterson had just gotten out of her car when she took a fall. She ended up with a broken hip and needed some help to recover.

Fortunately, Myrtle had just gotten a call button, the type you wear around your neck, and she was able to call for help. 

At 94 and living in new territory, what does one who has lead a busy, event-filled life do? Keep on doing fun and practical things that not only keep your mind and body busy, but include friends and other residents as well.

Lundberg, Altermatt crowned


Hannah Lundberg, left, and Nicholas Altermatt were crowned 2014 Snow Queen and King Monday at NRHEG High School. The Snow Week talent show is Friday at 12:30 in the high school gym and, like the coronation, is open to the public. (Star Eagle photo by Chris Schlaak)