NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64

My friends often ask me about the appeal of my profession. I tell them there's nothing better than doing a job you love. If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. That saying is a cliche but it's true. 

For three years I've had a little post it note on my desk. It reads, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."

I try to do what makes me happy every single day. Living here, in this community, surrounded by incredible people, providing them the news is incredibly rewarding. 

This past weekend I was fortunate to get away for some ice fishing and home cooking up north with a small group of close friends. 

It was incredibly relaxing and refreshing. I was reminded of Bob Hanson's column from a few weeks ago about his dream vacation that he was rudely awoken from. 

Some days I wonder how lucky I got to be in the position I am. Surrounded by supportive friends and a great community. 

This past weekend gave me a great opportunity to forget about work and my few stresses in life. It gave me a chance to reflect on how fortunate I am. 

I feel I'm getting a little too sappy here and I feel like I write about this topic quite often. But I think it's important to be grateful and aware of the good things in life while they are happening. It's hard to go back and enjoy the good times after they are over. 

A short update on what’s been going on in the office. We are very fortunate to welcome two new writers to the staff here at the Star Eagle. Jordan and Rachel Horejsi. Some of you may have notice Both have had articles printed in the paper and neither are new to writing. Both have consistently contributed to Panther Press throughout their times at NRHEG High school. It’s hard to find new writer these days, especially ones with the dedication and work effort of the Horejsi sisters. 

We also welcomed a new employee in November, Mike Roy. Mike is hard working and has a great head on his shoulders. He does what he is asked and does it well. If he has questions he asks them and he never complains. He is a talented writer and a very capable young man. Mike worked for me when I worked for the Janesville Journal and he has been a great help here at the Star Eagle. Readers and local residents may have noticed that he has picked up the paper route and has been delivering to the Newspapers to the local news stands. As well, he has picked up work in the office. It is weird training someone in on work that I have been doing for almost eight years now. I was a little stubborn at first, not wanting to relinquish some of my old responsibilities. 

The first thing I was taught to do when I started here in the summer of 2013 was tear sheets. This is the process of getting advertisers a copy of their ad that ran in the paper. It’s not too difficult but it is very important. Over the years I have become very fond of this, to the point where it hasn’t felt like work. But the day finally came. I showed Mike what to do and I chuckled a few times as I saw him begin to work and I only had to show him how to properly tear newspaper pages apart a couple different times before he got the hang of it. 


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