NRHEG Star Eagle

137 Years Serving the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Area
Newspaper of Record for NRHEG School District
Newspaper of Record for Waseca County, MN
PO Box 248 • New Richland, MN 56072

Published every Thursday
Yearly Subscription: Waseca, Steele, and Freeborn counties: $52
Minnesota $57 • Out of state $64

Staff Writer

Several guests were present to address the Ellendale City Council during its second meeting of the month on Thursday, Sept. 23. Gwen Reiss of Two Doves Boutique discussed the replacement of a mural in Ellendale’s community garden, for which she plans to raise funds and gain public input during the upcoming Fall Festival. Reiss presented two mural plans, one of which is the current mural on the building by the community garden, and the other is a historic “Ellendale” sign.

There were some concerns from the council regarding the idea. Councilperson Steph Kibler noted that it is still unknown if the mural, which alone will cost roughly $16,000, can be placed on the building. If it cannot, a post will need to be purchased to hold the sign, which will add another roughly $15,000 to the total cost of the project. 

“If you hold a vote,” Kibler said, referring to a vote that is planned by Reiss during the Fall Festival for citizen input on the sign, “it’s still going to be at least two years before the City’s going to be able to budget for the installation.”

“That will leave time for the rest of the money [for the mural] to get raised,” Reiss said, adding, “and we’re at least a fourth of the way there.”

Mayor Matt Bartsch asked what the expectation of the vote would be. Reiss explained that she plans to start the vote during the festival, Oct. 2, and provide jars for further votes at the city clerk’s office following that date. In addition, Reiss plans to hold more fundraisers for the mural.

“Do the vote and see what happens,” said Councilperson Scott Groth.

“I think with the vote, make it known that there’s a possibility that it’s [the mural] going to have to be put on a post, so that’s out there at the same time,” said Councilperson Duane Goebel.

“I just want to make sure that we’re understanding that it’s a possible $30,000 project,” Kibler noted.

Reiss expressed that she is aware of the full potential cost of the project, and she will make sure those who vote on the project are aware of that as well.

Also present was a New Richland resident who drives for a visually impaired Ellendale resident to express concerns regarding the number of times he has been pulled over by the Steele County Sheriff’s Department while driving in Ellendale, along with an Ellendale resident to request a special variance in order to pave his driveway to his property line. 

After some searching, Kim Zimprich, City Clerk/Treasurer, found meeting minutes from 2016 showing that the resident had made the same request at that time, when the city ordinance regarding variances was different than it is now, and it was approved by the previous council. With a motion, the council approved grandfathering in the resident under the previous ordinance and allowing him to move forward with the project.

Also approved by the council was Resolution 2021-28, certifying the 2022 preliminary tax levy, which includes a 7.95% increase from last year. The final tax levy will be approved in December, and a public hearing will be held Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. to discuss the budget further. The preliminary tax levy can be decreased before the final tax levy and budget are approved in December, but it cannot be increased.

In a Parks and Trails Committee update, it was stated that no offers have been made on the playground equipment that was recently posted for sale. The council approved reducing the price of the equipment from $1,995 to $1,495 (or best offer). Grants for equipment for a new park in town will be discussed, and the Lion’s Club will be raising funds for new equipment, as well.

Several properties were mentioned during the Codification Committee update, and the council approved moving forward with sending letters to two properties notifying the owners of administrative citations of $100 per ordinance violation. For both properties, two letters were sent. Action was also recommended on three additional properties, with further details on one of the properties to be obtained. A motion was made to send the first letter of notification to two of the three properties.

Finally, four additional properties in violation of city ordinances will receive second notices of said violations.

In a Maintenance update, the council approved $450 to wire a street light near the elevator in town for Christmas decorations. It was noted that the community center roof has been cleaned, and no leak was found, which leaves the question of where the water inside the building is coming from. The council agreed that regular inspection and cleaning of the roof should occur throughout the year, and the matter will be discussed with Maintenance Department head Josh Otto.

Event permits, which were discussed at recent council meetings, were again brought up. The reason for the discussion is due to potential city liability if an incident were to occur during a public event in town, and the council has been debating whether to require event permits in the future. Mayor Bartsch agreed to reach out to a contact provided by the League of Minnesota Cities on the matter.

The meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m.


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