Staff Writer

The Ellendale City Council, at their regular meeting last Thursday, approved a four percent increase in the city levy for 2014. This represents an increase of $11,646 over last year’s $318,764.

This decision followed intense discussion regarding a recent increase in state funding, and whether a levy increase was really called for.

City Clerk Lee Ann Hojberg reported to the Council that the City of Ellendale should be receiving a 28.4 percent increase in Local Government Aid for next year. This would mean approximately an additional $35,000.

The Minnesota State Legislature in their 2013 session okayed an additional $80 million for LGA funding. 

Additionally, the state voted to allow sales tax exemptions on several items, which may save Ellendale about $4,000 next year.

Though it seemed workable to let the city’s levy remain the same next year, council members argued that the gain was offset by a number of improvements that were needed, such as roof repairs and street improvements.

Last year the council approved a five- to seven-year plan for street improvements with an estimated price tag of $780,000.

Mayor Roger Swearingen agreed with the levy increase, even though he mentioned the city was receiving a $52,000 grant from the Minnesota DNR which could go toward those street improvements. It was decided to put this money in the General Fund and have it available for transfer as needed.

The Council voted 3-0 for the levy increase, with councilman Scott Groth not in attendance.