New Richland Ambulance Director Sarah Sundve served as the interhim director of the department for three months before she was hired as the department head in March.

Staff Writer

Sarah Sundve, who grew up on the county line between New Richland and Hartland and graduated from NRHEG, has an important job to do in our communities; she is an EMT and, as of March 22 of this year, the director of the ambulance crew in New Richland. 

Sundve, the daughter of Jim and Kathy Peterson, became a first responder in 2014, and has worked as an EMT since 2016.

Sundve doesn't like to let the grass grow under her feet. She is married and has three children, two step-children, and two grandchildren, yet she also finds time to work full-time at Mayo Clinic Ambulance Service out of Albert Lea/Austin, besides directing the ambulance crew in New Richland. How does she do it? She loves it.

“When I started as a first responder, I loved helping people and wanted to do more and learn more,” said Sundve of why she decided to become an EMT.

On May 20, the New Richland ambulance had an open house, where Sundve encouraged those interested in volunteering as a first responder or EMT to ask questions. She is eager to dispel doubts, saying, “You may not think it is something you can do, which is what I thought and now I do it full-time and love my job.”

Those wanting to apply to become an EMT in New Richland can stop in at city hall for an application, call Sara Jo Vulcan at 507-465-3514 or email Sarah Sundve at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. “We will be able to help you in the process,” said Sundve. “Each person that applies goes through a background check and city council approval before being officially hired.