Recently the U.S. weather service completed a Minnesota weather research study. “Is it cloudier in the winter than in the summer?” 

After many hours of research, the answer was the same as long time Minnesotans knew, namely, “Yes, it is cloudier in the winter.”

Genie got her second Pfizer vaccination on a Thursday afternoon at Hy-Vee in Albert Lea. I got the second vaccination the next day, during the afternoon. Genie had no after effects, so I expected the same result. 

I arise Saturday morning, eat breakfast, drink a couple of cups of instant coffee, do warm-up exercises and go for my usual walk, feeling okay. I sit down in a lazy-boy recliner and start to look at our Saturday mail after walking. Twas then I noticed my left arm where I received the vaccine shot hurt as I raised it. At the same time, I was having hot and cold flashes. Nurse Genie to the rescue with Tylenol to be taken at her direction. In between taking Tylenol and sleeping most of Saturday and Sunday, I did almost nothing.

The Minneapolis Star and Sunday Tribune paper featured an article entitled, “Why does the second shot pack a punch?” It went on to explain why many recipients felt the same way and re-acted the same way I did. The net result meant the vaccine worked even though in many cases it worked with no after effects such as I experienced. (I have since found out many individuals experienced the same effects I did.) Monday morning I was back to normal.

Definition of stupidity in 2021: A youth who went to Florida beaches during spring break. B. Senior citizens who helped finance the youth in their trip to Florida beaches. 

Remember when no property on Beaver Lake or St. Olaf Lake was assessed at more than one million dollars. Times sure have changed. 

Remember that old saying, “Like mother, like daughter.” It is most certainly true. Why so? Because I received a St. Patrick’s Day card from two great ladies. One from daughter Deb and also one from Genie. Why is that unusual? Because the two cards were identical!

Who has the best bird’s eye view in the area? The residents of St. John’s Community by the lake, that’s who. Why so? Cause they can look out the window and see mom and dad bald eagles raise their families. 

What happened to the Big Ten boy’s basketball teams? They used to have two or more in the sweet sixteen, but not this year. 

In driving by Beaver Lake, looking at the ice turning black, I can re-call the years of a car sitting on the ice with a chain attached to the bumper waiting to sink, so Misgen’s could pull it out. You paid to guess when, thus getting cash if you picked the right date. I always paid, but never collected. 

For a pleasant surprise, take a stroll through the former drug store in New Richland.


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Bob is a retired AAL (Aid Association for Lutherans) agent, currently working on his master’s degree in Volunteering. His wife, Genie, is a retired RN, currently working on her doctor’s degree in Volunteering. They have two children, Deb in North Carolina, and Dan in New York. Bob says if you enjoy his column, let him know. If you don’t enjoy it, keep on reading, it can get worse. Words of wisdom: There is always room for God.