Beginner and advanced courses set for March 25



Daniel Petsinger, call sign KDØTGF, is hosting a free class for amateur and advanced radio enthusiasts. The class, intended to introduce beginners to Digital Mobile Radio (DMR), starts at 9 a.m. on March 25 at the Owatonna VFW: A second, “advanced” class is scheduled for 1 p.m. Burger baskets will be available for purchase during a 1-hour lunch break. Anyone taking part in the “advanced” section will need to bring their computer and radio for programming.

“The classes will enumerate the advantages of switching from analog HAM units to digital DMR equipment,” Petsinger explained.

The DMR units Petsinger will be teaching about look similar to a walkie-talkie, but are far more versatile and functional.

A quick overview of the advantages Petsinger will be covering in the 3-hour class include:

• Efficiency - Digital uses less power

• Versatility -DMRs can communicate more than voice-to-voice, including GPS location and even text.

• Range - Petsinger will explain how DMR users can tune into worldwide communication channels.

“If any of this sounds confusing, but interesting, then come to the class,” Petsinger pleaded. “This is not your grandmother’s telephone.”

The advanced class which begins at 1 p.m. will teach amateur radio operators how to program a radio to either listen and/or talk on DMR networks. A major advantage of this could be tapping into SKYWARN, part of the national weather service, giving users a live listen to weather spotters on the ground during severe weather activity.

Persons interested in signing up for either or both classes can do so online at:

Persons with questions or who are seeking more information can contact Petsinger via his email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.